Arigna Mining Museum

Arigna Museum, or the visitors mining centre in Argina, was build in 2003. The idea for its creation was inspired by the coal mining industry that had maintained the town a long time providing work in the region, and helped its community live through the tough famine years (1845 to 1852).
Argina Mining Experience aims to preserve the 400 years of mining history and traditions in the region and give visitors an insight of the mining industry and the life in Arigna at the time.
Visitors are given an underground tour which acquaints them with the everyday life of the miners and the coal extraction methods that were used.
There is also the exhibition place where you can learn more about the history of the mining in Arignaand see energy renewing systems and even see demonstrations on how they work.
Aisleigh Guesthouse & Self Catering,
Leitrim Road & Dublin Road,
Co. Leitrim
N41 TK64
+353 71 962 0313